
Aqua Woggles are multi-purpose fluorescent foam sausages designed to enhance exercise in water. Even those with limited swimming experience can exercise in water without the worry of staying afloat as the Aqua Woggle supports 90% of the body’s weight.
A woggle is what puts the science and the fun into water exercise. Aquarobics is ideal for all ages and is used extensively by sports teams for conditioning as well as therapy. For older people, or those with back problems, excess weight, arthritis, injuries to knees or other joints, there is not the same jarring and stressing of the joints as with land exercise because the water supports so much of the body’s weight.
The hydrostatic pressure of the water is very good for the cardiovascular system and kidneys and helps to reduce any swelling that may be present. All this is made more enjoyable with WOGGLES!
Woggles are the perfect support to exercise the abdominals. The buoyancy acts as a weight in the water to strengthen muscle groups. Can be tied in a large knot, for harder upper body muscle conditioning. Provides a mobile hand-rail to support those insecure in the water.


Jackie Pretty, Jaquacise, The Meadows, Dubai, UAE, Tel: 04-3627770

Dubai Ladies Club 04  349 9922 ext 200
